Data Flags


Planet strives to provide the best and most reliable data. Therefore our data comes with a set of flags that supply additional information on our data. These flags indicate possible data issues as well as information on data usage and quality. NaN values indicate that no data issues were found.

This document lists the flags that come with our Soil Moisture, Vegetation Optical Depth and Land Surface Temperature products and how to interpret them.

How to retrieve the data flags?

Planetary Variables products have an associated data flags file. The flags can be retrieved via the Planet Subscriptions API. The API name for the flag file associated with products can be derived by prefixing the product name with QF-. So if the product name is SM-SMAP-L_V2.0_100 the associated flag file can be retrieved using the product name QF-SM-SMAP-L_V2.0_100.

There is an exception to this rule: VOD uses the same flag file as the corresponding SM product. For example, VOD-SMAP-LN-DESC_V001_100 uses QF-SM-SMAP-LN-DESC_V001_100.

Example flag file product mappings


Flag file









Flag types

The Planetary Variables data comes with three possible types of flags:

static flags:

Static flags flag areas based on (mostly) static features such as terrain slope.

critical flags:

Critical flags indicate that data is not to be used. As such we replace the data with a missing value. However, when retrieving our data you can access the original data by looking at the second band in the GeoTIFF and NetCDF files. All values in the flag file > 127 are critical.

non-critical flags:

Non-critical flags mean that the data can be used with caution, taking into account the information given in the flag. The data is shown as normal in the viewer and stored similar to non-flagged data in the GeoTIFF and NetCDF files. All values in the flag file <= 127 are non-critical.


Critical and non-critical flags are combined into one flag file for each product and provided each time a product is made.

Static flags

The flags in this section are so-called static flags that are available as separate products in our system.

Complex (steep) terrain

The complex terrain flag indicates areas in which the complex terrain (steep topography) may have influenced our algorithm. In many cases the data is still fine but care must be taken when using the data.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • Vegetation Optical Depth

  • Land Surface Temperature

Built-up area

The built-up area flag indicates paved/built-up areas. Although it does not affect our algorithm, the obtained values for soil water content and VOD cannot be interpreted the same as for natural areas. Land Surface Temperature is not affected.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • Vegetation Optical Depth

Non-critical flags

The flags in this section are band/product-specific non-critical flags.

1. Dense vegetation (high VOD)

This flag indicates high vegetation cover, where soil water content retrieval is less reliable. Depending on the frequency, the flag value for vegetation corrected soil water content and VOD are applied:

  • C/X band: medium VOD threshold = 0.45 and high VOD threshold = 0.6

  • L band: medium VOD threshold = 0.3 and high VOD threshold = 0.4

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

2. Low soil water content

The retrieved soil water content is lower than the estimated wilting point.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

3. High soil water content

The retrieved soil water content is higher than the estimated porosity.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

4. Possibly influenced by snow or severe rainfall

Part of the footprints touch an area flagged as severe rainfall or snow. See 9. Snow or severe rainfall.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

5. Possibly influenced by RFI

Part of the footprints touch an area flagged as RFI. See 12. RFI detected.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

7. Possible frozen soil

This flag indicates areas where frozen soil may occur (TEFF < 273.15 K).

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

Critical flags

The flags in this section are band-specific critical flags (VOD, SM and TEFF).

6. Statistical outlier

The “statistical outliers” flag indicates if missing SWC data is a consequence of underlying footprints being identified as either a “statistical outlier” or a “neighbor of statistical outlier.

8. Frozen soil

This flag indicates areas where frozen soil is detected. Pixels with TEFF < -10C is flagged as critical, while pixels with TEFF values between 0C and -10C are flagged as non-critical. A conservative value of -10C was chosen to avoid masking valid data. For areas marked as frozen soil, no soil water content or VOD is given. The data is filtered out during the processing in LPRM.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

9. Snow or severe rainfall

This flag indicates areas where snow or severe precipitation is detected. For areas marked as snow no soil Water Content, VOD, or Land Surface Temperature is given. They are filtered out during the processing of the raw satellite data. The flagging criterion applied during downscaling is:

\[((BT36V - BT18V) < -2.5 \land (F - BT36V) >= 10 \land BT36V < 275) \lor (BT36V - BT18V) < -10.5\]


\[F = 450.2 - 0.506 * BT19V -1.874 * BT22V + 0.00637 * BT22V * BT22V\]

, which represents the simulated 85 GHz vertical polarization brightness temperature under the ideal condition of no scattering effect. See Jin [1].

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

10. High vegetation

This flag indicates if the MPDI of brightness temperatures at the given frequency is too low for the algorithm to converge. The formula is: \(\frac{BT_V-BT_H}{BT_V+BT_H} < 0.0001\). The data is filtered out during LPRM processing.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

11. No overpass

If one or more brightness temperature frequency is missing (due to a combination of different satellite swaths), the no coverage flag is produced during downscaling.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

12. RFI detected

If a footprint is contaminated for more than 25% with RFI, it is removed from processing during downscaling. Footprints with less contamination than 25% are retained but the data is marked as influenced by RFI.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

13. Instrumental flaws (e.g. along the edges of the swath)

If the brightness temperature at 36.5 GHz V produces values either over 400K or under 0.9 * the water temperature, the data is considered as unrealistic and is removed.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

14. Out of valid range

Soil water content values retrieved are outside of the valid range. This affects both the soil water content and the retrieved VOD. In essence, this means that no valid solution was found.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

15. Open water

This flag indicates areas that are deemed to be open water (rivers, lakes sea etc). For areas marked as open water no Soil Water Content, VOD, or Land Surface Temperature is given. They are filtered out during the processing of the raw satellite data.

Affected products:

  • Soil Water Content

  • VOD

  • Land Surface Temperature

16. Brightness temperature residuals too high

The LPRM model could not find a soil water content value that is consistent with all provided input data. This implies that the resulting SWC value should be treated as suspicious.

Flags data file description for SWC and VOD

During the processing of the data for each product an associated flag file including all the corresponding flags is also created. The relation between product name and flag name is described in How to retrieve the data flags?.

This file is a int16 map with each number associated with one or multiple flags. The bit values contain decimal numbers (1 and 0), the position of which indicates the flag. Below, the flags are split into two sections, the first section with the non-critical flags, the second section with the critical flags.

Position of Planetary Variables data flags for VOD and SM. A 1 indicates a flag position, a 0 indicates a reserved position

Section 2

Section 1



Some examples of how to read the flags are given below:

64 decimal:

This is 0000000001000000 in binary. Indicates that only the flag at position 7 is set, which is the non-critical flag for frozen soil.

128 decimal:

This is 0000000010000000 in binary. Indicates that only the flag at position 8 is set, which is the critical flag for frozen soil.

Decoding a flag file using Python

The example code below shows how to decode the flags:

flagstr = [
    '1. Dense Vegetation (high VOD)',
    '2. Low Soil Water Content',
    '3. High Soil Water Content',
    '4. Possibly influenced by Snow or severe rainfall',
    '5. Possibly influenced by RFI',
    '6. Statistical outlier',
    '7. Possible frozen soil',
    '8. Frozen Soil',
    '9. Snow or severe rainfall',
    '10. High vegetation',
    '11. No overpass',
    '12. RFI detected',
    '13. Instrument flaw',
    '14. Out of valid range',
    '15. Open water/Water body',
    '16. Brightness temperature residuals too high',

numbers = [12,64,128,141,32768]
for number in numbers:
    pos = 15
    flags= format(number,'016b')
    print("Decimal number: " + str(number))
    print("Binary string: " + flags)
    print("--------------- Flags set -----------------------")
    for fl in flags:
        if fl == '1':
        pos = pos - 1

Running the script gives the following output:

Decimal number: 12
Binary string: 0000000000001100
--------------- Flags set -----------------------
4. Possibly influenced by Snow or severe rainfall
3. High Soil Water Content

Decimal number: 64
Binary string: 0000000001000000
--------------- Flags set -----------------------
7. Possible frozen soil

Decimal number: 128
Binary string: 0000000010000000
--------------- Flags set -----------------------
8. Frozen Soil

Decimal number: 141
Binary string: 0000000010001101
--------------- Flags set -----------------------
8. Frozen Soil
4. Possibly influenced by Snow or severe rainfall
3. High Soil Water Content
1. Dense Vegetation (high VOD)

Decimal number: 32768
Binary string: 1000000000000000
--------------- Flags set -----------------------
